Friday, December 3, 2010

Packing List for Bobby's overnight stay with the babysitter

1. Feeding pump (since Bobby is on a continuous gtube feed from 7pm until 6am)
2. Feeding pump cord - in case the pump needs to be recharged (otherwise Bubs doesn't get to eat and misses out the bulk of his calories, which he gets at night, between 7pm and 6am)
3. Gtube extender set - (2) - he only requires 1, but we pack 2 in case one's defective
4. 5ml syringes - (2) - in case his gastrostomy (mic-key) button falls out and the babysitter has to replace it (god bless this woman)
5. Prefilled syringes of meds plus (6) - heart and reflux meds, prune juice, pedialyte flushers, and a syringe of tylenol (just in case)
6. Feeding bag (to put Bobby's formula in, for nightly feed)
7. IV pole - for the feeding pump/tubing/bag - for nightly feed
8. Premade bottles of Elecare formula (4) - liquid gold - prescription hypoallergenic infant/toddler formula that costs about $30 for a two day supply (as opposed to Enfamil, which is $13 per can for 2 days) - (thank god we have good health insurance!)
9. Aquaphor - 1 tube - for Bobby's chronically chapped lips, due to lack of oral input since he's on the feeding tube.
10. Antibacterial hand wash - 1 tube - in case the babysitter and her kids go and do anything while b/s Bobby
11. Leg immobilizer - 1 - to wrap the feeding tube cord around Bobby's leg during the long night time feed. To protect him from pulling out the feeding tube, or strangling himself in the feeding tube cord.
12. Playpen - 1
13. Playpen sheet - 1
14. Pajamas - 2 sets - just in case of a blowout or feeding tube leak
15. Overnight diapers - 3 - just in case
16. Regular diapers - 6 - just in case
17. Wipes
18. Stuffed bedtime bear - 1 - the one and only special baby bear given to us by a close family friend
19. Toys - no brainer
20. Clothes - 2-3 pants (in case of leaks/blowouts, feeding tube spillage), 2 onesies, 2 long sleeve shirts (again, in case of leaks/blowouts)
21. Tummy foam - medical foam-like sticky gauze that goes under the gastrostomy tube to protect the integrity of the skin on the tummy from any leakage
22. 60ml syringe - 1 - in case Bobby needs to have his feeding tube 'vented' (a fancy way of saying a syringe to pull out any excess gas from the boy's tum tum, since a previous surgery - the Nissen fundoplication - prevents him (in theory) from burping or farting excess gas. Already TMI as I'm writing this.
23. Bath stuff - wash cloths - 2 of course - just in case. Baby wash, lotion, etc
24. Blanket - 1
25. Car seat
26. Stroller

Phew! I'm tired just drafting the packing list!!!

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