Monday, April 25, 2011

Big Day

Bobby has a lot of change in store for him today - all hopefully positive. The APN just came by and removed one of his chest tubes - that went relatively seamlessly. He cried for a few minutes but didn't need any morphine help to get through it.

Later this morning they are going to start him on formula feeds. It will be his first non-clear liquid since surgery. Hopefully he will tolerate the volume and not reflux, as that was a contributing factor to his saturation problems last week.

Speaking of saturation, he continues to be in the mid 90s with the help of oxygen support. He is completely weaned from the nitrous oxide and is doing fine. Now they start the the process of weaning him from the high-flow oxygen. This is the true test of how well he is saturating. If this goes well, we will be clear to go home in a few days. If it doesn't go well, it will be a major setback. So today is a big day.


  1. My fingers are crossed! (And for a someone who types all day, that's a major commitment!)

    I've been thinking of this little guy so much. I've shown his pictures to my kids and they ask me about him every day.

  2. My kids, Joes family, my family and my clients are all asking about Bobby and praying for him! We too have everything crossed, but unlike DiAnne...we do not need our fingers for our livelihood. Hugs to you all!
