Monday, April 25, 2011

Sleepy time sats are not where it's at

Mama A was on Bobby duty today, while this mama worked from home. Bobby was reintroduced to his Elecare feeds, albeit at a lower calorie, lower rate, and was completely weaned from his nitric oxide. He's now on the Sildenafil to pick up where the nitric oxide left off, and help with his pulmonary pressures. All in all it was a good beginning.

Then the medical staff noticed a trend that's problematic. When Bobby enters a deep sleep, his oxygen saturations drop down to the 80s for a few seconds. This is alarming because with the Fontan and the oxygen support he is receiving, this shouldn't be happening. So, there's some discussion about doing a sleep study on Bobby, to better understand why this is occurring. I polled my Facebook friends, and got some feedback that their little ones with cardiac issues had undergone sleep studies, and were advised to have the child's tonsils and adenoids removed, which resolved the problem for many of them. Unfortunately, Bobby has already had his T & A (as the docs in the 'biz' like to call it), so the solution for Bobby seems less clear. Typically, a CPAP mask is used when sleep apnea is diagnosed. And we all know from previous experience how successful keeping a CPAP mask on Bobby is. It's like trying to herd cats. Anways, we will know more when the docs do their rounds in the morning, and discuss the desaturations further. For now, the mamas have something extra to worry about. Oh, and the nurse just mentioned they are also concerned that his respiration rate is too slow. For a 3 year old, it should be between 10 and 30. Bobby's will occasionally go down to, oh, 6. But she said, at least his sats are good when that's happening. Oy vay.

Anyways, below are some gratuitous pictures of me, snuggling with my best boy for the first time since his surgery. It was delicious...


  1. Great Pics of a Mommy loving her little Man. Our Love and Prayers are with you.

    Linda and Haleigh

  2. One step at a time, Mommas. I say get the sleep study and hopefully some answers. There could be SO many causes. No sense guessing today. Today, love that little boy up and enjoy your cuddles. He looks so sweet here...I bet he needed that!


  3. i love the pictures and the herding cats line. i hope they figure it out soon. it was great to see you. good night. good luck, anne! i'm praying it's an easy night for you.
