Monday, April 11, 2011

First Day of School!

Today was Bobby's first day at school. There was a hiccup with his bus transportation, so our little prince received a royal escort to and from school from his favorite Mamas.

We were the first ones to arrive in his classroom - the other children are bussed. We had a chance to talk with his teachers, Miss Katie and Miss Sherry, who greeted us warmly, yet knowingly.. as in, ah, yes, new CPS parents dropping their child off for the first time. Miss Katie showed us today's schedule, which included computer time and gym. I knew he would go ape with computer time - he practically mauls us or any innocent bystanders with an electronic device in their possession.

We also spoke with the school nurse, who very efficiently had already submitted the paperwork for Bobby to begin the "Home and Hospital Instruction Program", so that CPS will continue providing educational services while he is out of commission after the heart surgery and before he can return to school. Yay! We also met the LPN who was going to administer the gtube feeding at noon.

Now, don't get this Mama wrong, I really appreciate the care and concern the school nursing staff has for the whole feeding tube situation but the way they approach it makes it seem like its some serious medical procedure. Trust me, if these Mamas can learn to do it, not to mention, also teach multiple babysitters and daycare staff how to do it, it's really not a big deal. That said, it is a huge relief to have SOMEONE who is willing to feed Bobby via the gtube, since we still a have a big vacancy in that department it comes to Chicago area daycares.

Here are some gratuitous photos of my big boy at his new school:

Sitting at the big kid table

Mugging for the Mama Cam!

Yeah, I'm getting rid of all my furniture. All of it. And I'm going to build these different levels, with steps, and it'll all be carpeted with a lot of pillows. You know, like ancient Egypt...

As you can see, the separation from Mamas was heart-wrenching...
Adios, Mamas!

While Bobby was getting happily acquainted with his new friends and teachers, the two Mamas were at Urgent Care, waiting to get antibiotics to stamp out inconveniently timed sinus infections.

We received a call in the late morning from the school nurse, asking us for a letter saying that we give the school permission to feed him yogurt and ice cream, given that he has a milk protein allergy and only takes $100 per can Elecare formula for nutrition. OK, so it's not $100 per can, but it's close - a month's supply of the liquid gold costs $500. Thank goodness we have good health insurance.

But I digress. So the school nurse wants permission in writing, and all I can think of is, "Lady, if you can get my son to eat anything by mouth on a regular basis, you can feed him yogurt, ice cream, chicken mcnuggets, filet mignon, or anything else!" I learned later that they already had given him (gasp) one tablespoon of strawberry yogurt at breakfast, and she probably didn't want to get caught with her t's not crossed. Yes, this one is a bit of a stickler - for now, it's in a good way.

At the end of the school day, Sir Bubs was collected, and his teacher said things had gone well, and her notes were in his spanking new green family communication folder. Again, emphasis mine. Being the proud mama, I've scanned a copy of the report of Bobby's first day at school. All I can say is it looks like a lot of fun to me! :)


  1. Thanks for putting this together. I particularly enjoyed the Seinfeld reference :)

  2. I love the photos! He's adorable. Keep the details coming!
