Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Here's our look of fatigued relief at hearing from the surgeon that Bobby's heart surgery was successful:

We finally were allowed to see Bobby at a little before 3pm. The first thing we noticed is that our boy now has oxygen saturation levels in the high 90's, thanks to his heart repair. Mind you, just two weekends ago, he was satting in the 60s and had turned blue at the cardiologist's office.

The surgeon and cardiac ICU doctor both think he's doing great. He's still on the ventilator, but they are hoping to attempt to extubate him once he wakes up a bit more, probably around 5pm.

After they gave him some meds to reverse the effects of the sedation, Bubs woke up and was agitated, so they are looking to put him on Precedex, which will serve to sedate him, but should not interfere with their timeline for removing the breathing tube.

Here are some pictures of our poor little guy. As strange as it may sound, compared to his other two heart surgeries, he looks great! No swelling and no blueness! It's interesting how the picture of success changes.


  1. Poor Baby :( But he does look good, and will recover quickly.

  2. Wow! What an amazing little boy! We love you Bobby! (And mamas too of course)!

  3. What a brave little trooper! Lots of prayers headed your way~

  4. Is it just the lighting or does he look pinker? Go fixed up heart!:)

    Also, poor guy all hooked up to machines and tubes.:(

  5. Majorly PINK!! Hooray for oxygen! I seriously hope for Bobby that he is turbo charged and rocket-boosted from here on. He has totally earned it! And I am referring to AFTER he gets permission for physical activity, of course. *wink* Go, Bubs!
