Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Quick Update

The music therapist just stopped by to see Bobby. She coaxed several large smiles out of him - those have been scarce since his surgery.

Pain management stopped by and coaxed several frowns out of Ma Ah (bobby's name for me) by threatening to take the morphine PCA away. She said 'you're hardly using it so we might as well get rid of it'. I said, 'since we're hardly using it why is it a big deal to keep it just in case?' Ma Ah was the eventual winner.

Bobby's doing great - his oxygen saturation is in the high 90s with no nitric oxide or high flow oxygen help. He just has a regular oxygen cannula.


  1. i like the way you think. definitely keep the pain meds handy just in case.

  2. I got this blog address from Daris and Alexis since I have been asking them for updates everyday Maddie is at daycare. I've thought about y'all daily and am so glad to hear that Bobby is doing good and the picture of you snuggling with him brought a tear to my eye. I miss seeing him in the mornings at daycare!
