Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ladies Man

Nothing really new to report, but just wanted to share a few pictures of today's happenings.


Bobby had an afternoon visit from his favorite music therapist, Miss Elizabeth...

An afternoon bath...

And an afternoon weigh-in that required the assistance of 3 nurses

He's holding steady, with oxygen sats back to the low to mid 90's, thanks to the high flow oxygen canula and nitric oxide. His heart rhythm is responding well to the temporary pacemaker, but he's not yet ready to go without it.

Here's hoping for an uneventful night.


  1. I will be THINKING AND PRAYING for the 3 of you this evening;) Love U 3 Gwen

  2. That picture with Miss Elizabeth brings tears to my eyes... here's a video about her and her work...

  3. I love the photo with the guitar. It is so clear to me that the people whose lives are touched by Bobby simply love him. I'm glad for his uneventful first night and hope that these bumps in the road are temporary. Best wishes for a peaceful night tonight!

  4. Thank you for the link Brian, Miss Elizabeth is an amazing woman. :)

  5. I love the pictures. they are so great. i'm glad there isn't more to report. no news is good news, right?! I'm still praying for a quick recovery and more good news. lots of love!
